Looking For a Quick Sale of Your Fells Point,
MD Home?
In Any Condition, Neighborhood, Or Situation in Fells Point
We Buy Houses in Any Price Range or Location in the Fells Point Neighborhood. See How Our Process Works And Let Us Make You A Fair Offer Today. We Can Pay Top Dollar And All Cash For Maryland Houses!
Need to sell your house fast in Fells Point... we’d like to make you a fair all-cash offer. And we’ll even GUARANTEE that offer and can have a check in your hand in as little as 2 weeks.
We buy houses in Fells Point and in any condition…
…let us take over the burden of that unwanted property.
Need to Sell Your Fells Point House Fast? Call us at (443) 266-6247. Selling your Baltimore, Maryland property fast doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. We’re here to help guide you through the process step-by-step.
We will provide you a fair all-cash offer on your house within 24 hours of submitting the short property info form below and can close when you want to close. If the house is in terrible shape and you don’t want to (or can’t) fix it up… NO problem, we’ll deal with it for you. If you need to get something done quickly, we can close in as little as 2 weeks because we buy houses in Fells Point with cash and don’t have to rely on traditional bank financing.
Our company is great to work with because we can move quickly and pay cash for homes we buy. While these two reasons are enough to motivate most sellers like yourself, here are a few more reasons for selling your house to us.
- No need to make time consuming and costly repairs – We buy the house AS-IS, no roof repairs, no fixing that leaking sink, don’t even clean-out all of the boxes of junk that have accumulated through the years.
- We pay all closing costs – There are costly closing costs involved with selling a house through traditional methods. When you sell your house fast to us we normally pay all of the closing costs leaving more money on the table for you.
- IN SHORT, we buy houses in Fells Point…
No matter the condition of your house – your situation – or timeframe…
Basically, if you have a Fells Point property and need to sell it quickly, we can make you a fair cash offer and close on it when you’re ready. Fill out the form below or call us right now at (443) 266-6247!
Get An Offer Today
Contact Us:
Dependable Homebuyers
1402 Belt St, Baltimore, MD 21230
(443) 266-6247