If you’re wondering about the ins and outs of selling your home during a divorce in Maryland… we’ll dive into the steps and things to look out for in this article.
With over 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, many Maryland residents are looking or advice for selling a home during a divorce. Even if you have a good friend or a family member who is a real estate agent, it can be an awkward conversation to bring up. Many people want the details of their divorce to stay private and that’s where a home-buying company like us come in handy.
A home is one of the most valuable joint assets and many divorce proceedings are held up by the sale of the home. While a divorce is one of the most emotionally charged life events, it’s important to remain rational. Consider your most important needs for the sale of your home. It’s likely that your emotional state requires that the home be sold quickly without any risk of the deal falling through. Dependable Homebuyers works with individuals just like you by provide a sale option that doesn’t require working with a real estate agent, listing the home, and working with buyers, inspectors, and appraisers. We purchase your home directly from you in cash so you’re guaranteed a fast sale that will never fall through.
Selling Your Home During A Divorce in Maryland
You have a lot on your plate and selling your home during a divorce can be overwhelming. Maryland legal proceedings can take a while and working with your spouse to reach a fair outcome can be frustrating. The last thing you need is a complicated listing process that can take months, or potentially years, to find a buyer. When you work with a Maryland home-buying company like Dependable Homebuyers you simply process. We are able to act as the point of contact between you and your spouse and our fair, cash offers are simple and straight forward.
Once you and your spouse agree to a price, no other communication will be necessary. You won’t have to worry about discussing repairs requested by a buyer, coordinating a time for an appraiser to arrive, or talk about what to do if your house doesn’t sell. Communication right now is probably going through lawyers who’s hourly rates are coming directly out of your pocket. Selling a home is a difficult process in Maryland when everything is going right. This mean a lot of time racked up by the lawyers as you both figure out how you would like to proceed with each offer. Even if you can get a higher offer by listing with an agent, it’ll likely net you less money and more frustration once you factor in all the time clocked with the lawyer.
Get Professional Help – Difference between Agents and Home Buyers

During a divorce, you have a lot going on, and a lot to consider. You shouldn’t take on the task of selling you home yourself and it’s likely that the Maryland courts won’t let you. You may have disagreements with your spouse about selling price or other issues and a for sale by owner almost never works out in these difficult environments. It’s times like these when it is critical to work with a real estate professional. This means either a reputable agent or Maryland cash home-buying company.
Both a real estate agent and home-buying company are professionals when it comes to Maryland’s real estate market. They buy and sell real estate consistently and can provide you an accurate valuation for your home. Both are transparent and honestly want to find a solution that is a win-win for you and your spouse. This provides a trustworthy and neutral third party who can help you determine a fair selling price for your home.
If you need to sell your Maryland home fast, then working with a home-buying company like Dependable Homebuyers might be your best bet. Companies like ours actually BUY HOUSES (rather than listing them like agents do)… and we pay cash and can close quickly if you need to sell this house fast. A real estate agent on the other hand will not be purchasing your home. They will be marking your home in order to hopefully find a buyer within a few months. This could take 3-9 months (or more) and sometimes there just won’t be a buyer for your home in the Maryland market.
If you can wait the time it’ll take to list it with an agent and can accept the risk of not finding a buyer then going with a real estate agent could be your best option. But you do not need a real estate agent to sell your home! If you’re like most of the divorcing couples we work with then this is likely not a reasonable approach. There’s no risk and no obligation involved with requesting an offer from a home buying company. Give us a call at (855) 741-4848 and we’ll provide you an all cash offer within 24 hours.
Selling Your House Fast For A Fair All-Cash Price
Reputable Maryland real estate companies like us purchase houses quickly without the need for any repairs. Best of all the process can take as little as seven days. Imagine being finished with this home and onto the next chapter of your life within 7 days! We buy all over Maryland, including Baltimore City. You really have nothing to lose when selling your home during your divorce in Maryland. Call us at (855) 741-4848 or fill out the short form below. We look forward to showing you how we can take this headache off your plate.
Video Transcription
My name is Evan Roberts of Dependable Homebuyers. I wanted to go through and take a couple minutes to address a situation that is a little bit uncomfortable for a lot of people, but statistically speaking anyway, affects 50% of families in the United States. And that’s what to do with your property as you go through a divorce. Again, of course that’s a very tough situation on any family, and made that much more complex by having a very expensive, often times the most expensive joint asset, standing between you guys and kind of wrapping that up and moving on with your lives.
That’s where Dependable Homebuyers can help. If you’ve got a property in the Baltimore metro area, and you’re going through a divorce, we can be there to help you come up with a quick, fair cash offer for your property and help you guys move along to the next chapter of your lives. So the situation at hand that we’re looking at here is you’ve got an expensive asset, and of course you have two folks that have their own plans for what they want to do with the property.
Often times, it can be challenging. Sometimes it’ll work out one spouse can purchase the property from another. But, often times the best, easiest solution, is to sell that property and divide that money between the two parties as your lawyers see fit. That’s where Dependable Homebuyers, again, can assist. Dependable Homebuyers is a home buying company based in the Maryland metropolitan area that focuses on getting you a quick cash offer for your property. In this situation, you and your spouse are going through a tough situation, and the best solution is to rip the Band-Aid off and get the property sold as soon as possible. That’s where we can help.
So, from the time you call me, we’ll be out in 24 to 48 hours, and from there we’re able to make you a cash offer 24 hours after that. We can get you to settlement seven days from that time of signing the contract. So in under two weeks time, we can get through a very tough situation. We can get the property sold, and you and your spouse can move onto the next chapter of your lives. If you have any questions, please give me a call. We’d love to talk to you about how we can help with this tough situation.